Page 36 - Les Nouvelles de Boisset 49 - EN
P. 36

LOW ALCOHOL CALIFORNIA                                                 1ST SEMESTER
                                                                             DE BOISSET


                   Alcohol-free*: less is more!

            Enjoying wine but consuming less alcohol is a choice   Powdery pink colour with touches of peach, opening up
            that nearly 30% of French people are now making, by   into a delicate zesty nose. Beautifully balanced on the
            including ‘no-low’ (alcohol-free or non-alcoholic) drinks   palate with a wonderfully smooth texture supporting the
            in their cellars.                fruit. A fresh finish.
            Fruits and Wine, known for their expertise in flavoured
            wine-based drinks with natural flavourings and low alcohol   * Made using a gentle alcohol removal process that respects
            levels, are now expanding their know-how to alcohol-free   the wines’ aromas, leaving a small fraction of 0.38% alcohol,
            drinks with their Grapefruit Rosé wine.  since French legislation permits ‘alcohol-free’ wines made
            Sweet, subtle, well balanced and fresh: when tasted blind   be de-alcoholising wine to contain up to 0.5% alcohol.
            by a panel of consumers, this aromatic and refreshing rosé
            proved that it could offer conviviality and the enjoyment
            of wine, without the alcohol.

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