Page 23 - Les Nouvelles de Boisset 49 - EN
P. 23

NOUVELLES                                                                      BEAUJOLAIS

        © Serge Chapuis

                                                                      Le Gonnu plot in Blacé
                  Trellised vines, neat grapes

             Adopting this cultivation method – which consists of planting vines
              in rows – for all Brouilly Gamay plots was a well-considered choice.

           Gradual conversion                Supporting the shoots on wires helps the leaf area to spread.
           This vineyard transformation, begun in 2009, will last for   This limits excess humidity and maximises photosynthesis
           another decade: its progress follows the order in which   to ensure good vine development. Lifting the vines helps
           the vineyards need to be renewed. More than 40 hectares   ensure even exposure for the bunches and ventilation for
           have been trellised since conversion began, at a consistent   the grapes, enabling ideal health and wonderful ripeness.
           rate of 2.8 to 3 hectares a year.  This vineyard management choice was crucial for the 2024
           This is thorough work: it does not mean simply pulling up   harvests, with huge yield differences between trellised
           old vines and replanting them in rows. Each plot is given   and non-trellised vines.
           time to recover, then restructured to provide the new   Easier cultivation
           vines with the best possible exposure. Planting density is
           being reduced, with two metres between each row and   As the vines are higher and organised in rows within less
           80 cm between each vine, and pruning method Cordon   densely planted plots, they are easier to care for. Working
           de Royat is being used.           positions (especially for pruning) are more natural, lifting
                                             is easier, and fewer passes are required for green pruning.
           Well-ventilated vines             As regards soil tilling, the gap between the rows allows
           There are numerous benefits to trellising vines, both for   small narrow-track tractors to be used. This machine is
           humans and for nature.            lighter and more manœuvrable than a high-clearance
                                             tractor, avoiding soil compaction.

                Château De Pierreux    @chateaudepierreux  23
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