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       leS URSUliNeS opeNS

       to tHe pUBlic

       A terrestrial and celestrial winery

       Les Ursulines is open! This former   thinking. This is a “passive”   tour, reflecting the nature of the
       convent in the heart of Nuits-Saint-  building that uses very little energy   house wines.
       Georges has been brought back to   and relies on natural flows. It is   Since 1961, Jean-Claude Boisset
       life by the Jean-Claude Boisset wine   ecologically virtuous and is based   has been producing wines from
       house. The winery was inaugurated   on a geobiological design concept.  40 hectares. Viniculturist Grégory
       with the 2018 harvest, almost 300   This is the first winery designed   Patriat, with  laure Guilloteau,
       years after the ursuline nuns first   by Frédéric Didier. A Burgundy-  produces them without artifice.
       arrived in 1717.        based architect from the Artene   Small, hand-stitched cuvées are
       This construction fits naturally into   agency who works in Versailles,   produced according to different
       the landscape, like an extension   he combined his skills in bringing   creative lines: elite wines, most of
       of the vines into the town. The   value to heritage sites to produce a   which are produced without sulfur   *Visitor information
       buildings and the gardens simply   building that is both contemporary   in bioprotection; organic cuvées;   Guided tour and tasting, in French
       exude calm, reflecting the peaceful   and traditional, between vines and   white wines from red terroir and   and english, by reservation only
       lives of religious orders. This is   wine – one that is both celestial   vice-versa; and subtle variations   Maximum group size: 12 people
       perfect for the slow-paced production   and terrestrial.  from a single plot.  Tasting of six wines, including one in
       of great Burgundy wines. like a   The ursulines winery is now open   Jean-Claude Boisset puts his   the barrel.
       bridge between the 18  and 21    to the public, revealing its rounded   signature to wines created in   €32 per person
       centuries, the winery is a natural   shapes under the celestial light   Burgundy, mainly on the Côte de   Monday to Saturday at 10am. Tours
       extension of our winegrowing heritage   of its allegorical stained-glass   Nuits and Côte de Beaune, with a   last 85 minutes.
       of Nuits-Saint-Georges.  window, its vaulted cellars, the   natural style. These are forthright,
       Dedicated to producing  haute-  glass cube tasting space, its   precise, silky wines that are resolutely   Chemin des Plateaux
       couture wines, this winery is   French-style gardens with the   fruity. Other novel wines and little   Nuits-Saint-Georges
       both an example of architectural   vortex on its telluric axis and the   gems make up a collection of some   Booking:
       prowess, with its vegetation-covered   armillary sphere on its historic axis,   40 cuvées inspired by the patchwork   +33 (0)3 80 62 64 08
       arched roof above, and ancient   opposite the covered walkway. This   of Burgundy climats, offering the
       vaulted cellars below, enclosing   is a place that buzzes with life,   purest possible expression of the
       a magnificent winery space that   where the energy of people and   terroir.
       is dedicated to wine.   the cosmos come together to bring
       environmental concerns were at   out the excellence of the wines.              
       the heart of the Boisset family’s   Visitors are treated to an intimate             Jean-Claude Boisset
                                                                                           @J_ClaudeBoisset
                                                                                           @jean_claude_boisset
                                                                                           Boisset La Famille des grands Vins
                                                                                     - Spring 2019  13
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