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NOUVELLES                                                                                                        NEWS
    WINTER 2020-2021

                                    An innovative vineyard

                              for premium sparkling wines

                        A chilly morning in the Bresse

            Since 1980, this wine house has been producing premium sparkling wines and breaking all the rules
             with regard to its blends. Ensuring a mastery of the grapes, the quality and the diversity of the crop
           are essential to achieve the house’s sought-after style, comprising wines with freshness and finesse.

            Faced with the difficulty of finding base   And so this ambitious and innovative   to AOC regulations do not apply here,   The young vines are now three years old
            wines that meet its requirements and to   project came to life, driven by a desire to   allowing for the testing of new techniques.  and this winter were hand-trained into
            maintain better control over the quality   ensure a secure supply of French grapes   These sandy clay-silt plots were planted   a cordon. The plants are bent at right
            of its grapes, the wine house decided   for the brand. The project was supported   with the white grape varietals of Ugni   angles, all pointing in the same direction
            to move its supply chain as close as   by a range of agricultural stakeholders   Blanc, Colombard and Chardonnay. This   and at the same height, with the canes
            possible to the winery by creating its   brought together under the banner   project also includes an experimental plot   winding around the wires to facilitate
            very own vineyard.       of the Vignobles Innovants du Val de   planted with 11 different grape varieties,   mechanized maintenance and pruning
            Indeed, the 2016 relaxation of the European   Saône (VIVAS), comprising a dozen or   both white and red, which are typically   in particular. The canes were attached
            Union’s planting rules has now made it   so “agri-winegrowers”, Dijon Céréales,   grown in other regions of France, in order   to the wires with rubber ties so as not
            possible for French vineyards to be planted   the Bourgogne du Sud cooperative, and   to determine whether or not they will   to injure the young plants.
            outside protected appellation zones.   Charles de Fère.  flourish on this terroir.   By creating a vineyard close by the winery
            A more northerly region would be well-  In 2018, 65 hectares were planted on   Vine management has been designed to   that is specifically designed for sparkling
            suited to meet these criteria, and the   the fertile soil of the Saône plain. This   optimize the expression of the different   wines, whilst being respectful of both
            natural choice was the Saône valley   innovative environmentally responsible   varietals while minimizing production   people and the environment, Charles de
            between the Jura and Burgundy, which   vineyard was designed as a “wine orchard”   costs. There is no trellising, the rows   Fère continues its quest for excellence
            until now, has been perhaps better known   for the production of high-quality grapes.   are grassed, and fertilizer is drip-fed   in the art of blending premium French
            for its cereal farming than for its vines.  Such an innovative approach was only   to ensure better water and fertilization   sparkling wines.
                                     possible because the constraints linked   management and boost strong growth.

                                   @charlesdefereofficial
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