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WINTER 2020-2021
Louis Bouillot inaugurates La Verrière
This year, sparkling wine house Louis Bouillot is welcoming visitors to its home, an impressive building
with a traditional varnished tile roof in the heart of Nuits-Saint-Georges that has just been renovated.
The house’s name of La Verrière refers to a glass goes from the vine to the glass, capturing the
atrium that is the centerpiece of Louis Bouillot’s authentic and uplifting spirit of Louis Bouillot. The visit
home. It is an imposing former 18th century residence, The visits ends with one of four tasting formulas
with a wonderful stone staircase and courtyard, under the atrium. Guided audio visit in stages with multi-screen film shows.
History: The great-grandson of Louis Bouillot tells the story of the man
and the magnificent Art Nouveau verrière at the Founded in 1877, the Nuits-Saint-George wine house known as “le Louis”. Exhibition of archive material.
luminous heart of the house. turned its hand to sparkling Burgundy early on. Vines: The head of cultivation presents the grape varietals and the
Soon to be open to the public, it promises a Louis promoted them in the Paris of the roaring various Louis Bouillot terroirs.
comprehensive journey of discovery of Louis twenties. Since then, the winery has developed Vinification: Harvesting, the winery and cellar, as explained by the
Bouillot Crémants de Bourgogne. in France and abroad, and today produces a Blending: A key moment in the elaboration of wines, rarely shown
Visitors can enjoy an immersive collection of 19 Crémants de Bourgogne to be to the public.
Bubbles: When a still wine sparkles: The creation of the bubbles.
discovered in this charming new setting.
experience including tasting Emotion: Floor-to-ceiling screen display sequences of poetic images
under a glass roof dating from Its wine estate covers some 160 hectares across as a sparkling prelude to the tasting!
the time of Gustave Eiffel. all corners of Burgundy, from the Chatillonnais and The tastings
Auxerrois, to the Côte d’Or and the Couchois. With
To begin with, a sound-and-light experience in six a quarter of its vineyards cultivated organically, Premium flutes bearing the Louis Bouillot logo or in Baccarat crystal.
Commented themed tasting in French or English, up to 12 people:
stages transports the visitor into the universe of Louis Bouillot is affirming its attachment to the • The art of bending • Passion Collection
Crémants de Bourgogne, thanks to a high-tech preservation of nature. • Time & Terroirs
headset. This 25-minute visual and sonic immersion • The Grand Tasting
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