Louis Bouillot Crémant de Bourgogne, 20,000 leagues beneath the sea! In 2015, the Louis Bouillot wine house embarked on an unusual experiment in ageing...
Louis Bouillot Crémant de Bourgogne, 20,000 leagues beneath the sea!
In 2015, the Louis Bouillot wine house embarked on an unusual experiment in ageing two of its Crémants de Bourgogne, Perle de Vigne and Perle d’Or 2008. With the help of offshore cellar specialist Amphoris, based in Finistère, the project took shape. Bottles of these two cuvées were submerged in deep waters off the island of Ouessant, Brittany. In this unique place, where the English Channel meets the Atlantic Ocean, their waters mingle at an ideal temperature of 13°C at a depth of 60 meters for a full 12 months, to gauge the impact of these special ageing conditions.
After their year on the sea bed, the wines will now be tasted and compared to their counterparts that were aged in the traditional manner, in a cellar on laths for the same period.
Are the differences significant? The team at Louis Bouillot has carried out triangular tastings and is eagerly awaiting the feedback from around 100 experienced wine tasters from around the world to evaluate their impressions. We’ll let you know in the months ahead what the consensus is on marine ageing!