After a successful initial offering five years ago, Tokay has returned to Buena Vista, the former estate of the Hungarian Count Agoston Haraszthy...
After a successful initial offering five years ago, Tokay has returned to Buena Vista, the former estate of the Hungarian Count Agoston Haraszthy, and a wine he missed so much after leaving his native land in 1840. This Tokaji Aszú, a great wine from the 2008 vintage, is a sweet wine whose burnished gold color is due to grapes affected by noble rot and long ageing in barrels. This nectar is imported directly from Hungary.
Aszú wines are made using techniques dating back to 1631. The wine is aged skillfully for a minimum of three years and the puttonyos number indicates the amount of Aszú berries used and thus the level of sweetness, with six being the highest rating for this premium wine. The grapes were harvested from the reputed vineyards of Lðcse, Diókút and Omlás.
The weather conditions during 2008 were perfect for Aszú wine production. It was a dry year, but the balanced precipitation during late summer and early fall was perfect for developing the botrytis fungus. The alteration of dry and rainy days gave
great noble rot, and high acidity.
A beautiful golden color in the glass, this rich, honeyed wine offers complex aromas and notes of dried apricot and orange blossom. The opulent flavors and rich mouthfeel is balanced, with refreshing acidity giving it a bright, luxuriously long finish.